The Manhasset Community Coalition Against Substance Abuse (CASA) has had a busy year, creating a prescription drug abuse public awareness campaign and sponsoring a Pharmaceutical Take Back event in October of 2010.
To read more about what Manhasset CASA has done with the Lock Your Meds® campaign, click on one of the PDF news articles shown below:
December 2, 2010: Manhasset CASA Lock Your Meds® Awareness Campaign
November 25, 2010: Manhasset CASA Reminds Parents of Over-the-Counter Medicine Abuse
October 28, 2010: Manhasset CASA Rx Take-Back
October 23, 2010: Pharmaceutical Take-Back Event
October 21, 2010: Manhasset Clergy Encourage Talking to Children About Rx Abuse
September 16, 2010: Manhasset CASA Collaborates to Protect Teens from Rx Abuse